Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bad Blogger!

Yes that's right I have been a horrible blogger, but hoping to get back on track!  I do have some awesome things to share though since my last post way back in February, so be sure to check back!  

First up my dear friend and I have decided to run at least one race a month during 2011, however I have to make a couple because I failed to get  into one I wanted to in January because it filled up.  I did however complete the "Love 2 Run" 4 mile race in February and finished at 42:59, which happens to be another "Personal Record" for me pace wise-WOO HOO!  This is my girl Andrea and she competed in couples division with here hubby, they finished 2nd in their age group and got medals!

This was my first race since December, so I was a little rusty!  The course was good, however there were a few slick, icy spots we had to avoid throughout due to colder temps! Now the funny thing about this race was they took over 3000 photos throughout the race and I immediately start searching for my finisher photo.  I scroll through looking at all the pics and the time clock to try and locate myself.  Finally I figure out that these 2 lovely ladies in tu-tus are running right smack dab in front of me and in the whole sequence of pics they took all you can see if my leg in every one-LOL!!! 

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